Park Avenue Cardiology - Manhattan Cardiologists - New York City Cardiology


Services - Park Avenue Cardiology - Manhattan

At Park Avenue Cardiology we are able to provide you with a full range of Cardiology services, including:


A patient evaluation begins with a comprehensive history and physical examination. This helps to provide a complete understanding of the patient's medical background, needs and concerns. With this solid foundation, an individualized treatment plan and the next steps can be determined with Dr. Deutsch. Additional services with various diagnostic tests will be performed if more information is required.

Stress Test

A Stress Test is a safe, painless evaluation of the heart to determine how well the heart works during exercise or exertion, and if blocked coronary arteries are present (Coronary Artery Disease).

A Stress Test is performed by having the patient walk on a treadmill or, if the patient is unable to walk on a treadmill, receive a safe injection of Persantine, which simulates exercise for the heart. Special pictures of the blood flow to the heart are sometimes taken during a Stress Test as part of a Nuclear Stress Test (see below).

A Stress Test is a safe and very important test for the patient to have, since its results help determine whether Coronary Artery Disease is present and help structure the individualized treatment plan that Dr. Deutsch will create.


Nuclear Stress Test (Cardiolite/Thallium/Persantine)

During Nuclear Stress Testing, fast, painless, detailed images of blood flow to the heart are obtained. A movie of the heart beating is also produced to help determine the strength of the heart's contractions. These images provide very important information that help to further guide recommendations for a patient's individualized treatment plan.

Furthermore, we care about your comfort. Unlike traditional Stress Tests which involve laying on an unpleasant table, our system provides a comfortable cushioned chair (see picture). If you wish, music will be played which will relax and entertain you during the procedure. Our new, advanced system allows for the shortest scanning times possible, so the information needed can be obtained without the patient devoting nearly an entire day for the test.

Nuclear Stress Test - Manhattan Cardiology

During Nuclear Stress Tests, a treadmill portion is often used, as described in the Stress Test section above. If the patient cannot walk on a treadmill, Persantine is administered to simulate exercise.

The tests are conducted by Dr. Adam Deutsch with the assistance of a Certified Nuclear Technologist.

There is some preparation required before the test can take place. We will carefully review this with you prior to your appointment to ensure your testing is done quickly and accurately.



An Echocardiogram is a painless, non-invasive sonogram of the heart. By gliding an ultrasound probe across the chest, real-time images are produced that show the heart contracting and the valves opening and closing. Echocardiograms can demonstrate a large variety of cardiac conditions and are an invaluable part of cardiovascular testing.


Echocardiogram - New York City Cardiologists


Arterial and Venous Vascular Test

Vascular testing of the arteries and veins in the legs is performed quickly using a non-invasive and painless test. Using our new state-of-the-art arterial and venous testing device, the blood pressure and flow in the legs as well as similar information from the arms are compared. Using this technique, Peripheral Artery Disease and Venous Insufficiency can be diagnosed.

Peripheral Artery Disease (blocked arteries in the legs) is a very important vascular disease since it can lead to pain the legs with walking (“angina of the legs”) as well as non-healing ulcers. After diagnosis, treatment can allow the disease to stop progressing and greatly improve. Diagnose is vital since without treatment 30% of those with this disease will likely suffer a severe stroke or heart attack within 5 years. As about 10 million Americans have this disease, with many not even aware, early detection and treatment are vital to improve outcomes and save lives.

Venous Insufficiency (blood “backing up” in the legs) is a cause of swelling of the legs (edema), varicose veins, skin discoloration, and even ulcers in the leg. With at least 20 million Americans having this disease, there is a tremendous opportunity to diagnose and treatment this condition.



Carotid Artery Test

The Carotid Arteries (the neck arteries that carry blood to the brain) are important to evaluate because buildup of plaque (cholesterol, calcium, fibrous tissue, and blood clots) in these arteries is a major cause of Stroke and TIA (“mini stroke”). Using a quick, non-invasive, and painless ultrasound and doppler examination of the Carotid Arteries, this important condition can be detected and subsequently treated. Proper treatment of this disease can dramatically lower the risk of stroke of TIA.










An Electrocardiogram, or EKG, is a quick, non-invasive test that displays the heart's resting electrical activity. In addition to providing such data as the heart's rhythm and rate, it can demonstrate the presence of numerous cardiac conditions, or even help the cardiologist to anticipate potential arrhythmias in the future.





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